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At You Service

Do we only sell drones? Well, no.


We know some of you need a drone but still hesitate and that

can be caused by many reasons. The most common are:


A) You're way too busy


B) You can't afford it at the moment


C) You just won't use it that often


That's why, only for the Italian market we decided to get into the

trenches ourselves, offering:



Armed with our most suitable drone, we’ll ring your doorbell (or show up wherever

you need us), ready to carry out one of the most in-demand services around.


If you’re here, you probably already know what it is, but for anyone

who doesn’t:


It’s a technique that lets us create precise, detailed 3D maps and models

by stitching together a whole bunch of photos - taken by drone, of course.


What can you do with them?

Topographic surveys, construction, architecture, environmental

monitoring, and much more. In the end, it’s all about how far your

professional imagination takes you.

Wonder which drone we'd choose as our go-to? The KUR-500

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Thermal Inspections

The name pretty much speaks for itself: by using a drone equipped with a

thermal camera, we can detect temperature variations and spot anomalies -

perfect for uncovering heat losses, leaks, or overheated areas.


The main benefits are similar to most drone-based solutions:


Faster data collection

Unmatched safety (especially for hard-to-reach spots like roofs)

Precise and programmable flight: plan the mission and let the drone do
the rest, while you sit back and relax.


There are plenty more advantages, but there’s just not enough

space to list them all here.

Wonder which drone we'd choose as our go-to? Again, KUR-500

Want more information?
Do you have an idea to develop a particular application?

Stay UP to date!

UP caeli via s.r.l.​​ | Industries for spreading ethics
R&D :  Via Negrelli, 8  - 39100 - Bolzano (BZ) - Italy
Legal address : Via della Fossa, 1 - 38051 - Borgo Valsugana (TN) - Italy
Flying test address : Via Rossano, 44 - 36056 - Belvedere di Tezze sul Brenta (VI) - Italy

P. IVA (VAT) IT02165150224 | Phone Number: +39-0424-861021 | E-mail:​
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